Pakistan Tech News
2 min readDec 27, 2022

Hacker claims to have private data of 400 million Twitter users to sell

Just when you thought the various controversies surrounding Twitter were starting to fizzle out, a hacker claims to be selling the data of 400 million users.

The data is said to have been captured in 2021, obtained using an API vulnerability that has since been fixed.

The threat actor, who calls himself “Ryushi,” advised Elon Musk and Twitter to buy the data for the asking price of $200,000, or face a fine even larger than GDP.

Twitter data leak 2022

The threat actor, who apparently joined the hacked hacking forum in December 2022, wrote:

“Your best option to avoid paying $276 million in GDPR breaching purposes as Facebook did (given 533 million users scrapped) is to buy this data exclusively…then I will delete this thread and never sell this data again. “

Sample data of more than 1,000 users, including a number of celebrities, has been leaked, including email addresses, usernames, follower counts, creation dates, and some users’ phone numbers.

If an exclusive sale is not made to Twitter (or any other party that wants the information) for $200,000, the hacker claims they will sell the data to multiple buyers for $60,000 each.

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computer bleed Reports indicate that the API that caused the vulnerability was fixed in January 2022, however it has been confirmed to be used by multiple threat actors, putting more than 400 million users at risk of scams and phishing attacks.

Elsewhere, WhatsApp recently came under pressure as a data breach leaked personal information on more than 500 million users, although this is now believed to be a re-use of an older 2019 Facebook leak.

Radar Pro Technology Reach out to Twitter for more comments on the threat.

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